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How To Install Setoolkit In Termux | Latest Method

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In This Post I Am Going To Tell You How To Install Setoolkit In Termux. We Will Go Through The Basic And Step By Step Installation Of Setoolkit. We Will Also Know Some Basic Definitions And Uses Of The Setoolkit. So Let’s Start,

What Is Setoolkit?

The Social-Engineer Toolkit Is A Bunch Of Special Tools Made By Cybersecurity Experts. They Use These Tools To Test How Strong Our Security Is. It’s Like Having A Practice Run For Real Attacks. Set Makes It Easier To Pretend To Be A Hacker And See If Our Systems Are Safe.

Key Features Of Setoolkit:

  • Versatile Attack Vectors: SET Offers A Wide Range Of Attack Vectors, From Spear-phishing To Credential Harvesting, Making It Suitable For Various Scenarios.
  • User Friendly Interface: SET’s Interactive Command-Line Interface Is Designed To Be User-friendly, Enabling Even Those With Limited Experience To Use It Effectively.
  • Customization: Users Can Customize Attack Scenarios, Payloads, And Templates To Simulate Real World Threats And Assess System Vulnerabilities.
  • Educational Use: SET Is An Excellent Tool For Educational Purposes, Allowing Individuals To Learn About Social Engineering Tactics And Better Protect Against Them.
  • Community Support: Being Open Source, Set Benefits From A Dedicated Community Of Contributors Who Continually Update And Improve Its Functionality.

Also Read: How To Install Ubuntu In Termux | Latest Method

How To Install Setoolkit In Termux?

Follow The Given Steps To Install The Setoolkit In Termux

First If All Open The Termux App And Type The Below Commands One By One, You Can Simply Copy Paste The Commands In Termux.

  • Update And Upgrade Termux: Before Installing Any Software The First Thing That We Need To Do Is To Update And Upgrade Termux.
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
  • Installing Python In Termux: To Install Setoolkit In Termux, We Need To Install Python In Termux.
pkg install python -y
pkg install python2 -y
  • Installing Git In Termux: We Will Install Setoolkit From Git Into Termux.
pkg install git -y
  • Installing Wget In Termux:
pkg install wget -y
  • Install Curl In Termux:
pkg install curl -y
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Cloning Setoolkit From Git Into Termux.
git clone
  • Change Your Current Directory To The Newly Cloned SET Directory:
cd social-engineer-toolkit
  • Run The Installer Script:

Follow The On Screen Instructions During The Setup Process. It May Ask For Your Permission To Install Additional Packages Or Configure Settings.

We Have Successfully Installed The Setoolkit In Termux. Now We Can Open The Setoolkit With The Below Command:

Install Set Toolkit In Termux

Another Method:

By Chance If The Above Method Did Not Work In Your Terminal You Can Type The Below Commands To Install:

  • Update And Upgrade Termux:
apt update && apt upgrade -y
  • Install Curl In Termux:
 apt install curl -y
  • Downloading Setoolkit In Termux:
curl -LO
  • Install Setoolkit:
  • Moving In To The Setoolkit Directory
cd setoolkit
  • Install Setoolkit In Termux
./ install
  • Run Setoolkit In Termux:

That Is All We Have Successfully Installed The Setoolkit In Termux.


The Social Engineer Toolkit Is A Robust, Educational, And Highly Effective Tool For Assessing Security Vulnerabilities Through The Simulation Of Social Engineering Attacks. As The Cybersecurity Landscape Continues To Evolve, Tools Like Set Remain Essential For Understanding And Strengthening Our Defenses Against These Threats. Ethical Use Is Paramount, And Its Responsible Application Can Make A Significant Difference In Our Collective Efforts To Secure Digital Systems And Data.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can We Install Setoolkit In Termux?

Yes We Have Install Setoolkit In Termux. But We Can Not Access All The Features Of It.

Is Setoolkit Legal To Use?

If Used For Ethical Purposes Setoolkit Is Legal But If We Use It To Harm Others It Is Totally Illegal.

Is Setoolkit Already Installed In Kali Linux?

Yes, Setoolkit Is Already Preinstalled In Kali Linux.

Is Setoolkit Used For Phishing?

Yes, Setoolkit Can Be Used For Spear Phishing Attacks

Hello There, My Name Is E3xSA. I Am The Founder Of The Termux Tools, I Hope You Have Found This Site And Its Articles Usefull.

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